let's not think about it.
Tuesday @ Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thank you god for everything you do in? 
My life, for giving me the oportunity to be myself and be happy.
Thank you for the love of my life and family.
Thank you for never leaving or foresaking me
Thank you for being the only god..
Thank you for loving me unconditionally
Thank you for being good to me..
Thank you for giving me free will to love and be loved
Thank you for wiping away my hurt, pain, and tears
Thank for choosing me
Thank you for my freedom, that I wasn’t born a slave
Thank you for your faithfullness
Thank you for forgiving me
Thank you for protecting me and keeping me safe
Thank you for my family, friends, and loved ones
Thank you for all the blessings that I cannot see.

*Thank you god you open my eyes and heart to wear hijjab :)
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