let's not think about it.
Wednesday @ Wednesday, July 24, 2013

These days, I don’t get much of a chance to see you. Thank  you for playing such a kind and loving role in my life. If there was an award for “The World's Best Mother,” you would win it every single year. If sometimes you wonder if I still need you as much as I did when I was younger - the answer is yes! No matter how many years pass, I will always be the same little child who needs a hug and a loving word from her mother. Walid is a really lucky guy to have someone so kind and lovable like you. Whatever I am today, I owe it to you. You are the most special person in my life. I'm so glad that God gave me a mother like you. I wish you to stay healthy and fit. You are my role model. Enjoy your sweet birthday, my dear Umi ♥♥♥
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